
HomeBlog Content 8 of the Best Content Writing Ideas For Beginners

8 of the Best Content Writing Ideas For Beginners

Chloe Tomkins - November 17, 2023

For those who are just starting out, the world of content writing can be an exciting and fulfilling experience. It can be difficult to come up with suitable topics to write about because there are so many to choose from. This post will go over a few well-liked content writing subjects that are appropriate for beginners and will get you started as a writer.

Success in digital marketing requires a solid small business content strategy and some excellent content writing subjects, so lucky for you you’ve come to exactly the right place!

Because you are writing for both Google and your audience, even if you are an experienced writer in other formats, you will discover that the rules for SEO content creation are slightly different. When you’re first starting out, content writing might be a little intimidating.

To help you get started, we’ve provided some content writing ideas for beginners in this handy guide.

What does a content writer do?

A content writer is a writer who primarily produces content for the internet. Blog posts, text for visuals, podcasts, e-books, creative content for social media and sales copy can all be included in this content. E-commerce sites, news aggregators, university websites, and many more website kinds use content writers to create quality content for a specific target audience.

In addition to creating content, these writers may also be in charge of ensuring that the pages and content on the websites link together effectively and are optimised for SEO.

They are also accountable for establishing the general tone of the website. To complete these responsibilities, content writers conduct research and choose which details to add or remove from the website.

8 of the best content writing & blog post ideas for beginners

An interesting content writing topic doesn’t have to be a particular niche or completely unique subject. Sometimes the most simple pieces of content are the most popular, and writing content about what you already know is always a good start!


For the majority of companies using content marketing, top listicles are fantastic SEO friendly blog posts. People are constantly looking for easily readable content, and they are simple to write and research.

Listicles can be shaped into practically any topic since they are highly adaptable. There are a tonne of excellent listicles regarding websites, tools, tactics, and other resources.

Simple listicle title examples:

  • Top X [resource category] to help you achieve [goal]
  • X Best [resource category] for [target readers]
  • The ultimate list of X [resource category] for [year]
  • X ways to do X

How-to guides

In search engines, how-to guides are just as popular as top listicles. For consumers who are trying to find a specific solution, they are the ideal format.

“How-to” articles bring 1.5x more organic web traffic than other content types.

Make sure that the content in your how-to guide can assist readers in achieving their objectives in the end. To make the tasks easier to follow, provide thorough directions and, whenever possible, incorporate imagery.

Still photos, infographics, films, and screenshots are a few types of visual content.

8 of the best content writing ideas for beginners 1

Industry news

Composing news articles for the sector will give you a sudden increase in traffic.

They might not be valuable forever. However, posting a news article about a hot topic is a certain approach to increase the relevance of your business in your specific area.

You don’t have to provide readers with a detailed plan of action. Just give the news as truthfully and accurately as you can, adding your own unique perspective.

8 of the best content writing ideas for beginners 2

Customer success stories

Customer success stories have great lead generating potential and are relatable and positive.

Get permission from your customer before you begin to create content for your first success story. Not every customer is open to disclosing the brands they use on the internet.

Make a list of inquiries regarding their experience or arrange a call with them when they provide their consent. You can develop an engaging success story by using any channel of communication to stay in touch with your happy client.

Pain points or customer issues

Sometimes, when you want to create engaging content, you have to focus on the negatives!

Content writing ideas are endless and can be derived from the challenges faced by your audience.

Pay attention to their areas of difficulty and help them in figuring out what went wrong. Include a summary of solutions in the piece to help readers understand their difficulties better.

Case studies

To gain the audience’s trust, case studies present objective data and shown outcomes. They also serve as organic link builders, attracting backlinks from other websites that reference your study’s data.

If you have the means, use firsthand information on a certain strategy or product to produce a case study.

As an alternative, write articles about case studies that other respectable companies in your industry have already done. Taking into account the time, money, and considerable research required to produce an original case study, this is a more economical course of action.

These case studies are also great content for social media platforms.


A comparison allows you to highlight two or more products in place of simply one product. This comes in handy when you want to advertise more than one affiliate product in a single article or when you’ve already evaluated the product and need to give it a fresh perspective.

Coming up with content title ideas for comparisons is likewise a simple process.

8 of the best content writing ideas for beginners 3

Brand stories

Your brand becomes more approachable and relatable to your audience when you tell brand stories.

Readers are given a “behind-the-scenes” peek into your organisation with these topics: company events, C-suite biographies, and regular office gossip.

Use short-form videos on social media platforms to increase the impact and shareability of your business narrative.

Capture your company culture and its employees on Instagram Stories, TikTok films, Facebook “My Day” clips, and YouTube Shorts. Then, to drive that traffic home, post a link to your website’s whole brand story.

Looking for expert digital marketing to boost your content writing topics?

Researching topics is an essential stage in content creation, but choosing the right ones each time can be challenging.

Unless you have a content team ready and waiting to perform all the necessary keyword research and keep you up to date on trending topics!

In fact, as 60% of marketers report attracting new customers through content marketing efforts, you can’t afford to miss out!

Our content team here at Dandy have the content writing skills and experience to help your company rise up the Google rankings.

We are a full-service digital marketing company with over 10 years of experience writing blog entries that are optimised for search engines.

We’ll work with you to understand your target audience and what they’re looking for, then produce high-quality, engaging content that is optimised for your target keywords. 

So why not give us a try? We even offer a free, no-obligation, website SEO audit to get you started.

Check out our SEO packages or Book Your Free SEO Audit today!

Content writing ideas for beginners FAQs

What can I write as a content writer?

Writing, editing, and releasing content for digital platforms is known as content writing. Content may consist of blog entries, scripts for podcasts or videos, eBooks or whitepapers, press releases, explanations of product categories, copy for landing pages or social media, and more.

What content is most engaging?

Using video to engage your audience is a really effective strategy. Because they can convey a story or depict an event, videos are more visually appealing and engaging than words.

What makes a content stand out?

Understanding your audience and their needs is the first step towards creating content that stands out. You’ll need to find your target audience before coming up with ideas for content writing topics.