
HomeBlog Content How To Do Content Writing (Right) For SEO

How To Do Content Writing (Right) For SEO

Chloe Tomkins - October 5, 2023
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If you’ve ever published a blog article, you are aware of the time commitment involved.

The entire process, from choosing a topic and gathering information to drafting the piece and pushing “Publish,” can often take hours. Therefore, it can be a significant letdown if your piece doesn’t receive the traffic you anticipated.

Whether you’re writing a blog about computer technologies or how to make a perfect pancake (don’t ask why that came into my head), we as content writers have to create content that targets the user first, but also for search engines to understand and love as well! Of course, the more we write the more we know what works and what we need to improve.

Fortunately, search engine optimisation is a strategy for dealing with low traffic. As marketers, our goal is to consistently create content that ranks highly on Google, and SEO is the link that will bring you there. So how can you include that into your material, you may wonder?

We have you covered, so don’t be concerned. We’ll explore some strategies for writing effective SEO content in this post.

What is SEO content writing?

The process of generating content for search engines like Google’s first page of results is known as SEO writing. This entails conducting keyword research, creating content of a high standard that adheres to user intent, and optimising your headers to improve relevance and content structure. 

But more on that later!

According to a 2020 Search Engine Journal study, websites at position one of the search engine results pages (SERP) had a 25% clickthrough rate.

For websites in positions two and ten, this percentage dramatically decreases to 2.5% and 15%, respectively. That number drops even further by the time you reach Google’s second page. Think about it – when was the last time you clicked through to the second page of Google?

This means that there is a slim possibility that users will reach your website naturally if it is not on the top page. Less traffic to your website means fewer chances to produce leads and, ultimately, money.

But it’s not all doom and gloom! Below we’ve got some tips and tricks you as a content writer can use to add to your writing skills and hopefully equal great content creation!

6 content marketing writing tips for SEO

Take a look at these content writing tips you should be using in all your blog posts to boost your SEO! With these tips, you’ll learn how to do content writing the right way.

1. Use Compelling & Optimised Headings

Headers make your blog article and its sections easier for Google’s web crawlers to interpret and for users to understand you can help them. 

Consider the crawlers to be skimming readers of your blog post. Your H1 heading should provide a summary of the topics your article will cover. Then, your H2s, H3s, and H4s dissect the article’s subtopics.

Your sub headers should therefore include high-intent keywords and mirror the content of the body. You have a far better chance of ranking on the SERP (search engine result pages) when you employ the proper keywords, or those that your target audience uses.

2. Optimise for featured snippets

Featured snippets on Google are the most direct answers to search queries.

You must provide a complete and concise response to the question in order to receive a featured snippet on Google.

For example, use “What to wear with patterned leggings” as your H1 or H2 followed by the steps in a numbered or bulleted list, for instance, if the search keyword is “what to wear with patterned leggings.”

After completing that, make sure to incorporate a portion of the question into your response. If you were to use the aforementioned example, you would begin the sentence with: “To decide what to wear with patterned leggings…”

Moreover, begin every sentence with a word that can be used to take action, such as “click” or “select.”

If a definition is necessary for the keyword for which you wish to rank in the featured snippet, keep your answer to 58 words or less.

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3. Make sure to include keywords in your meta description

Do you give your post meta descriptions? If the answer is “no,” you’re probably not exposing your post to as many people as you could. Let’s discuss their significance.

Subheaders, keywords, and snippets are a few of the ways a blog post might interact with Google that we’ve already covered. That is not a complete list, though.

Google also analyses meta descriptions to determine search results. The one- to three-sentence summaries that appear beneath a result’s title are known as meta descriptions.

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Meta descriptions are also a chance to speak to users and further convince them that this link is the right one to click that will help them with the problem they are currently searching around. Same with headings, make sure it’s compelling as well as optimised.

You won’t likely need to look far to use the feature because meta description boxes are typically embedded into content management systems (CMS).

4. Always start with keyword research

You must target the precise keywords and phrases that your potential clients are using while searching online if you want to stand out from the SERP clutter and outrank your rivals. Otherwise, how will people locate your website and content?

Think about this like you would for finding hashtags for your social media posts. What are people searching for?

Utilise a keyword research tool first. You can discover more about what people are searching for and how popular those questions are by visiting websites like Ahrefs and Google Keyword Planner.

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To make sure you’re still concentrating on the right keywords for your target audience and aren’t passing up crucial ranking possibilities, be sure to undertake keyword research on a regular basis.

5. Link to high-authority websites

Don’t be scared to use external links when you construct your blog content.

In addition to providing blog visitors with additional reading material to broaden their knowledge, linking to trustworthy websites demonstrates to search engines that you have done your homework.

Nothing strengthens a blog post like data supported by research from reputable websites. Using compelling statistics will help you create a stronger, more specific argument that will help you win your readers’ trust.

6. Link to your other blog posts

Search engines can more accurately build a sitemap when you link to other web pages or blog posts on your website. Additionally, it aids in expanding the audience’s knowledge of your content and establishes you as a reliable, credible source of information.

Internal links to other worthwhile material on your website keep visitors around for a longer period of time, lowering bounce rates and improving your chances of a conversion. Isn’t that the main focus here?

Include links that support the points you make in your postings and are relevant to the topic at hand. With your keyword research done you should have a lot of ideas for content.

Looking for help with your blog writing and content marketing?

In order to secure greater traffic and engagement on your website, it’s essential to apply excellent strategies for both SEO and content writing focuses. This is where we come in!

Get in contact with Dandy right now if you want to increase your search rankings, traffic, and engagement but lack the time or expertise to do it.

We are a full-service digital marketing company with over 10 years of experience writing blog entries that are optimised for search engines.

We’ll work with you to understand your target audience and what they’re looking for, then produce high-quality, engaging content that is optimised for your target keywords. 

So why not give us a try? We even offer a free, no-obligation website SEO audit to get you started.

Check out our SEO packages or Book Your Free SEO Audit today!

How to do content writing FAQs

Is SEO content writing difficult?

You’ll need to become more strategic with your material if you want to grow your blog’s readership. The main strategy for doing this is SEO copywriting. Even while SEO may seem difficult, it’s simpler than you may imagine, especially if you realise that writing for readers rather than search engines is a best practice.

Does SEO require content writing?

According to studies, 28% more people click on the first result that comes up after typing in a keyword than the other results. As a result, it becomes crucial for your content to rank not just on the first page of search results but also among the top results.

Why are keywords important in content writing?

The key to generating effective content is conducting keyword research. You can boost your website’s search engine rankings, draw more visitors, and develop your online brand by being aware of your target audience’s needs and utilising pertinent keywords and phrases in your content.