
HomeBlog Content What is Content Writing & What Does a Content Writer Do?

What is Content Writing & What Does a Content Writer Do?

Chloe Tomkins - January 13, 2024
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Content writing is an art that forms the backbone of digital marketing strategies. A blend of creativity and technicality, content writing plays a vital role in enhancing brand visibility, driving web traffic, and fostering customer engagement. It’s the bread and butter (or whatever your preferred snack is) of being noticed on search engines.

So, what exactly is content writing?

Simply put, it is the process of planning, writing, and editing web content for a target audience, typically for digital marketing purposes. It can include writing blog posts and articles, scripting for videos and podcasts, and content for specific platforms, such as tweetstorms on Twitter or text posts on Reddit.

77% of internet users do research (i.e., reading content online) before making a purchase-related decision. So you best believe content writing is important for digital marketing!

Our content buffs here at Dandy are to explain all things content writing and what a content writer does to produce high quality content. Let’s go!

What is content writing?

To dig a little deeper, content writing involves producing high-quality and relevant content that resonates with the target audience. It requires an understanding of the brand’s voice, tone, and messaging strategies along with knowledge of SEO techniques. 

A good content writer knows how to balance creative writing with data-driven strategies to appeal to both human readers and search engine algorithms.

SEO-friendly blog posts, scripts for podcasts or videos, ebooks or whitepapers, press releases, product category descriptions, landing page or social media copy, and more can all be included in this content.

70% of marketers actively invest in content marketing as of 2020, making it a crucial part of most organisations’ marketing efforts.

This indicates that there is a greater need than ever for content writers. But the position changes according to the business requirements as well as the industry. For example, some businesses prefer to create content in the form of blog articles or e-books, while others prefer to invest extensively in creative content writing for social media posts.

Whatever the medium, a content writer is essential to creating high quality content that appeals to, engages, and delights the correct audience while preserving and enhancing a brand’s voice.

If content creation is done well, it can turn readers into prospects and prospects into paying clients. (Jessie J might have said it’s not about the money, but the content writing process definitely is!) Therefore, you need to continuously provide valuable, interesting content for your company’s revenue stream.

What does a content writer do?

Now, you may be wondering, what does a content writer do? Content writers are responsible for creating compelling and informative content that resonates with the target audience. 

They conduct extensive research on topics related to the brand and use their writing skills to craft engaging pieces that align with the brand’s overall messaging and goals. 

In addition, content writers also work closely with technical SEO experts and designers to ensure consistency across all marketing channels.

As for the roles of a content writer, they are as diverse as the content they create. Some of the key responsibilities include:


This involves understanding the topic, the audience, and the trending keywords to create compelling and SEO friendly content. Long hours of meticulous research are the foundation of excellent content, so as to conform to EEAT guidelines

In order to write content and blogs, content writers must analyse a large amount of material, some of which is technical. To get the right knowledge, this may also entail gathering information through industry journals, conducting interviews, and data analysis.

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Writing and Editing

From blog posts to social media snippets, a content writer is tasked with producing engaging written materials. A content writer can create top-notch blogs for your company. Along with thinking about how the blog will function with other things like social media postings, freebies, or infographics, they will also likely be immersed in SEO. All the fun little extras that you require for your content marketing.

Content writers will also consider videos, pictures, and other elements that are included on the website. Additionally, you want to make your written content or blog post accessible to as many individuals as possible.

SEO Optimization

A content writer must do content writing right for SEO. This involves keywords to ensure the content is easily discoverable by search engines. SEO writing is about using the right words and phrases so that search engines know what your website is about.

In addition to improving user experience on your website, SEO-friendly blog entries that employ a variety of on-page SEO strategies can raise your website’s search engine position.

Additionally, by helping you create content that is relevant to a variety of search intents, blogging and SEO writing can increase the number of organic clicks to your website and small business.

Check out how our client, Growth Idea, got huge traffic increases every year due to blog content and landing page optimisations!

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Social Media Management

Many content writers also manage social media accounts, creating posts and responding to comments to foster a sense of community. A social media writer is a person that maximises content on social media accounts in order to expand their following. Among the most well-liked content writing occupations is writing for social media.

Strong writing and research abilities are necessary for this type of content writing career. In such a writing-based profession, creative writing and producing relevant information for the intended audience are very important. There are numerous options for writers to pursue a career in content writing as social media writers because almost all companies with social media handles need these kinds of writers.

As you can see below, pet pics are always useful for social media content!

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Content Strategy Development

This involves planning a company’s content marketing strategy, including topics, content writing ideas, platforms, and frequency of posts.

The goals, processes, policies, budget, team structure, and content regulations of your brand are all defined with the guidance of a content strategy.

78% of businesses who said their content marketing was “very successful” also had a documented content strategy.

In essence, a content writer is a storyteller, a researcher, an SEO expert, and a brand ambassador all rolled into one! Yep, they’re pretty cool (if we say so ourselves.)

Looking for expert content writers who can get you results?

You can never overstate the value of excellent content. You may provide excellent content that fulfils your readers’ needs, clarifies their user intent, and makes a strong first impression by getting to know them, learning what motivates them, and why they buy. 

Do you need assistance creating engaging content for search engines? Why not give Dandy a try? We are a full-service digital marketing company with over 10 years of experience writing content that is optimised for search engines.

We’ll work with you to understand your target audience and what they’re looking for, then produce high-quality, engaging content that is optimised for your target keywords. 

So why not give us a try? We even offer a free, no-obligation, website SEO audit to get you started.

Check out our SEO packages or Book Your Free SEO Audit today!

Content Writing FAQs

What is meant by content writing?

Writing, developing, editing, and publishing content and copy for a range of digital platforms—such as blogs, websites, videos, email marketing campaigns, advertising campaigns, social media postings, infographics, whitepapers, and more—is the responsibility of a digital content writer.

Is content writing still in demand in 2024?

Some brands no longer use content writing as a kind of marketing experiment. It is a tried-and-true method that every brand can use to build credibility, increase brand recognition, and drive visitors.

Why is content writing important?

Writing content facilitates global customer engagement. Content writers can effectively convert consumers into brand ambassadors for their businesses and speed up the sales process by providing genuine, real, helpful, and honest information.