
HomeBlog Content 8 Creative Content Writing Tips For Social Media

8 Creative Content Writing Tips For Social Media

Chloe Tomkins - November 6, 2023
social media

Social media, you can either love it or hate it, but it’s the bread and butter of the content marketing world.

It can be challenging to stay up to date with the most recent marketing best practices and tactics in the ever-evolving field of digital marketing, particularly when it comes to social media platforms. Trends change quickly, making it difficult to maintain readers’ interest in the content. Writing for social media posts is becoming an increasingly important component of an effective marketing plan.

In 2023, there are estimated to be 4.89 billion total social media users worldwide. Now that’s a lot of people, but finding your target audience within these billions of people can be easier said than done.

Getting your social media strategy right involves producing the right type of content for your industry, whilst being continuously creative at the same time. Luckily, the social media whizz’s at Dandy are here to help…

Why does social media matter?

Everything you publish on social media as a business represents your brand. Poorly written or non-optimized material therefore presents a negative image of your company overall. A strong social media presence is essential for successful marketing. 

Every marketing team should aim to write well for social media for all of the above reasons.

Social media marketing’s nature offers many advantages as well. Social media link sharing can help enhance website traffic and conversion rates by directing more people to your blog or website. Social media also makes it possible to get feedback from customers in real-time, facilitating quick communication and fast interaction.

In short, social media matters.

8 social media writing tips

Social media content writing doesn’t have to be the minefield it’s often portrayed to be! Start with our creative content writing tips below and watch your social media engagement soar.

Brand standards

Establishing brand guidelines and incorporating them into your content strategy is one of the most crucial initial stages in writing for social media.

Create a basic style guide (a guide or template to guarantee that various communications continuously enact the brand’s qualities) to make sure that your social media presence is consistent with your brand voice and image overall. Key elements of this could include:

  • Mission statement – Your mission statement should include a summary of the goals you have for your social media strategy. Why is social media included in your marketing strategy as a whole?
  • Average target audience member – Determine the demographics of your primary audience and the kind of material that appeals to them on social media.
  • Brand voice – Describe your social media voice. Will you be posting informally? Or providing expertise?
  • Message: Create guidelines outlining the kinds of messages you will share on most social media platforms, like Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram etc.

The California-inspired brand guidelines of Urban Outfitters include photography, colour, and even tone of voice. However, the company is not afraid to share information about its ideal consumer as well as what the brand believes in.

Write social media posts that are consistent with web content

Writing for social media sometimes overlooks the importance of consistency in content. The branding on your destination websites and social media messages should be consistent. 

Your post’s messaging must correspond with the blog post or landing page’s messaging if it links to an external website. Put simply, the content you provide on social media must deliver on the promises you make.

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Get your audience hooked

Being true to your brand doesn’t have to be tedious. Actually, you should be enticing them to continue reading with your content. Saying anything controversial or controversial is acceptable as long as it’s pertinent to the issues your audience is interested in. 

Just watch out for veering into the realm of clickbait, and maintain the integrity of your brand voice.

A great hook equals more video viewing time, and more video completion equals more views and traffic. Hook your viewers with a voice-over or written content at the beginning of a video, and watch your views soar!

A good example of a hook is: “Watch till the end!”

This is one of the excellent hooks at the beginning of the video that keeps the viewer watching till the conclusion. Maintain the audience’s interest by informing them that something entertaining will occur if they watch the entire reel.

Try out longer posts

Social media copy is frequently concise, appealing, and direct. Social media has become a fast-paced channel due to user behaviour and network character constraints. Nonetheless, lengthy form postings can increase engagement in some platform-specific situations.

For instance, your brand might utilise lengthy form postings on social media platform LinkedIn to establish credibility and thought leadership. 

16.2% of LinkedIn users use the platform daily.

LinkedIn audiences are information-hungry and have begun mixing personal and professional content in recent years. People are prepared to spend time reading captivating content, particularly if it emphasises interpersonal relationships.

National Geographic is well-known for taking iconic and breathtaking photographs all over the world. So, of course, the publication makes full use of Instagram, frequently with mini-news pieces that include the who, what, where, when, why, and how.

Don’t repeat your CTA’s

It is best to vary up your call to action (CTAs) while writing for social media. Steer clear of repetitive, sales-oriented calls to action and experiment with different wording to see what gets your audience most engaged.

Adapt your call to action (CTAs) to your content funnel and the customer journey. In certain situations, your call to action (CTA) can be something like, “Comment below with your thoughts.” 

At times, your call to action could direct visitors to your website: “Shop our newest collection by clicking the link in the bio.”

Be a storyteller

Telling tales and sharing personal anecdotes is one of the best ways to engage readers. Speaking candidly about your personal experiences makes you seem more human to readers than just a voice on a screen. You can create a deep emotional connection with readers by discussing your challenges and victories, which will entice them to return for more.

Instagram success is determined by your ability to engage with a specific audience and share material that speaks to their needs, desires, and way of life. That is exactly what Refinery29’s Instagram account does.

Their combination of laid-back and sophisticated visual styles, combined with the back and forth between humour and serious information, provides their account a distinct rhythm that keeps followers entertained around the topics that are important to them.

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Anecdotes and stories can also be utilised to support your arguments and give your work more depth. They can enhance the memorability and interest of your writing when used skillfully. So don’t be scared to share a few personal anecdotes in your writing the next time you sit down to write. 

When it comes to engaging your readers in a social media post, it might make all the difference.

Looking for a simple content marketing solution?

Every social networking site has a benefit, so make good use of it. Don’t worry if you are unsure about how to begin or publish quality material. 

Over time, your content approach will change to better suit your target audience. Make the most of all the tools offered by social media networks to differentiate your company, save time, and enhance the customer experience.

If you’re looking for a digital marketing agency that can help your business stay ahead of the competition, you need look no further than Dandy!

We’re a full-service agency that offers a wide range of services, including expert SEO & content marketing packages, PPC Management and Digital Marketing Packages. We’ll work with you to create a custom marketing plan that meets your unique needs.

Contact us today or Book a FREE SEO Audit to get started!

Content writing tips for social media FAQs

How do I start writing social media content?

Usually, it’s quicker to just start writing anything at all. After putting your thoughts and message into writing, you can edit and improve your text until you’re satisfied with the finished product.

What makes a successful social media post?

An effective social media post must have visual components in order to attract attention, communicate information, and strengthen your message. It’s crucial to choose relevant, high-quality photos or videos that complement your brand and objectives when choosing visuals.

How often should I post on social media?

Posts ought to highlight specials or ongoing initiatives. Depending on the kind of post, the best frequency for posting varies, but in general, posting at least once a week is advised. In addition, you have the option to segment your social posts according to the days and times of the week that your target audience is online.