
HomeBlog SEO How Does Blogging Boost Your SEO?

How Does Blogging Boost Your SEO?

Lizzie Midgley-Peters - March 9, 2022
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SEO, or search engine optimization, is a process that can be used to improve the visibility of a website or web page in search engine results pages (SERPs).

Often, companies utilise blogging within their SEO efforts. But without the right expertise, it can be difficult to know how best to make use of blogging for SEO purposes.

So, how does blogging actually boost your SEO? And, what are the specific benefits of blogging for SEO?

In this article, we’ll explore exactly how blogging can help improve your website’s SEO and bring you more traffic, and offer you some key blogging SEO tips to keep you on the track to success.

Does Blogging Really Boost Your SEO? 

The quick answer – yes! Blogging is one of the best things you can do for your SEO. But it’s not as simple to just have a blog. Every new blog post you write needs to have a purpose, be high quality, keyword optimised, and informative. 

Ultimately if you can write a blog that is helpful to users and solves a problem better than other content currently available you’ll be supporting your SEO strategy in one of the best ways possible.

Blogging is one of the best ways to boost your SEO because it helps you create fresh, relevant content that can help you rank higher in SERPs.

However, you need to make sure you’re following best practices for blogging if you want to see the SEO benefits. It’s best to think of your blog as an ongoing content marketing strategy.

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Benefits of Blogging For Businesses

1. Helps to Establish Authority & Credibility

When you blog regularly and with valuable content, you’re seen as an expert in your field. This helps to establish authority and credibility with potential customers – which can lead to more conversions.

Blogging does this by giving you a platform to share your thoughts and ideas on your industry, as well as showcasing your knowledge and expertise. When customers see that you’re an authority in your field, they’re more likely to do business with you.

2. Helps You Stand Out In Your Industry

When you’re the only business blogging about a certain topic, you quickly become the go-to source for information. This can help you to stand out in your industry and attract more customers.

Blogging helps with this by giving you a voice within your industry. When you’re the only business blogging about a certain topic, you quickly become the go-to source for information. This can help you to stand out in your industry and attract more customers.

3. Helps You Increase Website Traffic & Rankings

Google loves fresh, new content. And, when you blog regularly, you’re providing Google with tons of new content – which helps to secure more organic traffic and rankings with great search engine optimization.

To do this, blogging should be part of your overall content marketing strategy. This means publishing high-quality blog posts on a consistent basis. When you do this, you’ll see an increase in website traffic and improved SEO rankings over time.

4. Helps You Attract New Customers & Build Relationships

When you blog about topics that are of interest to your target audience, you’re able to attract new customers and build relationships with them. This can help to increase sales in the long run. By ensuring you effectively optimize blog content, you can make it easier for potential customers to find your content. When they do, they’ll be more likely to convert into paying customers.

5. Helps You Increase Engagement & ROI

Blogging can help to increase engagement and ROI for your business. This is because when you blog, you’re providing valuable content that helps to educate and engage your audience.

When you blog regularly and boost your engagement, you’re able to build trust and credibility with your audience. This can help to increase conversions and drive more sales, in the long run, boosting your blogging and SEO ROI.

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10 Expert Blogging SEO Tips

These best blog SEO tips will help you create content for your blog posts that will rank high in search results, improve your organic traffic, and boost your business. These tips will optimize your blog posts for Google search and other search engines.

Do your keyword research 

When you choose your focus keyword, make sure to do your research and find keywords that have high search volume and low competition. This will help you to rank higher in SERPs with less effort.

You should research a combination of long-tail keywords, short-tail keywords, and related keywords to target across your wider content strategy.

There are numerous keyword research tools available to analyse your search engine data automatically. You can use these tools to help you find the best keywords for each blog post. For example tools like Keywords Everywhere, Keyword Hero, Ubersuggest or even using a Google Trends API help to create a list of relevant keywords.

Analyse the SERPs To Match Search Intent

When it comes to on-page SEO, it’s important to analyse the search engine results pages (SERPs) for your target keywords. This will help you to see what your competition is doing and how you can improve your blog post content to rank higher.

Google search results are constantly changing, so it’s important to keep track of what’s happening in the SERPs. This will also help you with understanding search intent and spotting any opportunities to target like a featured snippet or specific PAA questions.

For example, if you see a bunch of “How to X” guides, you’ll likely need to create a similar guide. Take note of what type of content is currently being severed and align your ideas with this.

Understand your audience

It’s important to understand your audience and what they’re searching for online. When you know what your audience wants, you can cater your blog content to meet their needs.

You can use various methods like surveys, interviews, and customer data to understand your audience better. This information will help you to create relevant content and produce high-quality content that ranks well in SERPs and attracts more customers.

Create a Blog SEO strategy

A blog SEO strategy is essential to help you achieve your desired results. This strategy should include the methods you’ll use to research and target keywords, how you’ll optimise your content for search engines, and the ways you’ll measure your success.

It’s important to have a wider content strategy in place as well so that you can maximise the effects of your blog SEO strategy.

Create valuable assets

One of the best ways to improve your blog SEO is to create valuable content assets. These are pieces of content that are longer, more in-depth, and provide more value than a standard blog post. When you create quality content, you give your audience something worth sharing and linking to. This can help to improve your website’s backlink profile and increase your SEO authority.

Structure with keywords 

Structuring your content with keywords involves including the relevant keywords in the right structural places on your page. This includes:

  • Meta description
  • Blog post title tag
  • H1 heading
  • First paragraph
  • Alt text of any images used

You should also use keywords throughout your content to help rank it for those terms. WordPress users can use an SEO plugin such as Yoast SEO to ensure they’re meeting all of the recommended on-page SEO keywords.

Avoid keyword stuffing

Don’t excessively overload your blog posts with keywords or you’ll be penalised by Google. A couple of strategically placed keywords will do the trick, so make sure to focus on quality over quantity. What’s really important is that you are creating a valuable piece of content that your audience will love and want to share.

Include multimedia

When possible, include multimedia like images and videos into your blog posts to keep them SEO friendly. This will help to keep your audience engaged and help your content to rank higher in SERPs. Keep in mind these videos may also be used elsewhere and on other channels like social media. If you make a logo that stands out and is easily recognisable you’ll be building brand awareness up as well.

You should also make sure that all of your multimedia is high quality and royalty-free. You can do this by using sites like Unsplash and Pixabay for free stock photos and videos, or by creating your own using Photo editing tools, photoshop for example has many advanced features such as blurring the background, and changing text styles, colours and many more. Whilst Adobe is also a good option for an image editor.

Internal links are links to other pages and posts on your own website. Using internal links is a great way to help Google understand your website’s structure. It also helps to keep people on your website longer, as they’ll explore more of your content.

When creating links, make sure that the anchor text you use as the link is relevant to the destination page. Also, try to use keyword-rich anchor text for better results.

External links are links to other websites. When used correctly, external links can help to improve your website’s SEO by improving relevance and authority.

However, you should be careful not to use too many external links, as this can look like spam to Google. Only include high-quality, relevant links that will provide value to your audience.

Refresh your old blogs

One final way to improve your blog SEO is to refresh your old blog posts. This can be done by updating the content with new information, adding new images and videos, or including internal and external links to relevant pages on your website.

When you refresh your old blog posts, you’re not only providing more value to your audience, but you’re also giving your website’s SEO a boost.

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What is Blog Optimisation For Search Engines?

Blog optimisation for search engines simply means ensuring that your blog posts are properly formatted and keyword-rich so that they appear in search engine results pages (SERPs). This can help to improve click-through rates, boost website traffic, and increase conversions.

When you optimise your blog posts for search engines, you offer a valuable service to your audience by helping them to find your content more easily. You can also improve the visibility of your website and increase brand awareness with effective blog optimisation.

Blogging SEO FAQs

Are blogs good for SEO? 

Yes, blogs are a great way to improve your website’s SEO. They help to increase website relevance and authority, and they can also help to drive more organic search traffic to your website.

What is the best blog structure For SEO? 

The best blog structure for SEO is one that includes keyword-rich titles, meta descriptions, H1 headings, and first paragraphs. You should also use multimedia to keep your audience engaged.

How many keywords should I use in a blog post?

You should use a few strategically placed keywords to help rank your blog post for those terms. Don’t overload your blog post with keywords, or you’ll be penalised by Google.

How often should I blog for SEO?

You should blog as often as possible to keep your website relevant and fresh. However, don’t blog for the sake of blogging; only include content that is both useful to your audience and worth sharing and linking to. 2 high-quality blog posts a month is a good goal to aim for. If you don’t think you can effectively set aside the time for this in your business, contact an SEO agency today to get some support.

Looking For Expert Support With Your Blog SEO?

At Dandy Marketing, our SEO Packages offer everything you need to optimise your website for better search engine visibility and increased organic traffic.

From a structured content strategy to on-page optimization and link building, we’ll help you to get the most out of your blog’s SEO potential.

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