
HomeBlog Digital Marketing How To Use Digital Marketing To Grow Your Business

How To Use Digital Marketing To Grow Your Business

Chloe Tomkins - March 31, 2023
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In the past, there were only a few marketing options available for startups and small businesses.

However, the growth of the digital age has created a wide variety of new ways to connect with your target audience through online marketing.

Businesses must now make major modifications to keep up with these changes, the new possibilities, and the new methods of marketing in the digital age. 

Digital marketing techniques give company owners the best chances for survival, competition, and even business growth in a digital world where commerce and business are advancing drastically. Digital marketing is not only a wise expenditure, but it’s also a powerful marketing tool that can expand your company.

We’ll walk you through our top digital marketing tools and show you how you can use digital marketing to grow your business!

What is digital marketing?

The promotion of companies using the internet and other digital channels is known as digital marketing – also known as online marketing. This encompasses text and multimedia messages as well as email, social media, and web-based advertising as a marketing channel.

In essence, a marketing strategy is considered to be digital marketing if it uses digital communication, platforms or channels to deliver the strategy.

And as 86% of marketers report that using one or more digital marketing channels increased company awareness, it’s no surprise that digital marketing strategies have skyrocketed in recent years.

Clearly, if you don’t want to get left behind the competition, digital channels are where you need to be spending your time – and money.

How can digital channels grow your business?

We’ve mentioned increased company awareness, but how else can digital channels enable growth for your organisation? 

  • Brand loyalty – Business organisations can navigate through any challenging circumstance with the aid of customer loyalty. Digital channels enable businesses to create a loyal customer group in the digital age. Additionally, cutting-edge technology and intelligence systems make it simple to target prospective customers.
  • Cost effective – Small and medium-sized businesses don’t have a lot of resources to invest in different marketing strategies. The costs of TV advertisements, billboards, and print advertisements are also quite expensive. Digital marketing tactics can reach more targeted group, often for less money, and with a higher ROI.
  • Better revenues – Digital marketing tactics help generate considerably more revenue when compared to many traditional marketing channels. According to Google, companies that use digital marketing techniques anticipate greater revenue development by a factor of 2.8. Utilising digital marketing increases a company’s chances of growing both their staff and income by 3.3 times.

Your 7-step digital marketing strategy for business growth

A solid digital marketing plan is the road map for online company growth.

A continuous cycle is created by reaching a bigger target audience, interacting with your audience, and producing conversions. These are crucial stages in creating a reliable and pertinent online presence.

Let us take you through our 7 step digital marketing strategy below!

1. Define your target audience

You must first identify your target market before you can use digital marketing to expand your small company.

A target group is the particular market segment that you decide to focus your marketing efforts on.

Your company can create more pertinent content, messaging, and effective digital marketing strategy if you have a defined target.

Without a target market, your company will waste valuable resources trying to advertise to consumers who have no interest in what you have to offer.

2. Get your tracking set up

Before you embark on any marketing activity, especially if you’re paying for it, make sure you can track the impact it has. Most likely this will be through Google Analytics, so just make sure you have goals set up or if you’re working on an eCommerce business you are tracking transactions correctly so you attribute any send to leads or revenue. 

3. Get a technical SEO (search engine optimization) audit

Search engine rankings are influenced by a wide range of technical variables.

Analysing these elements to assess the condition of your website is the process of a technical SEO audit.

It involves finding technical, on-page, content, and internal link-related issues to fix or improve. (We detail some more SEO tips here if you’re interested.)

You can identify problems that might be harming your search engine rankings with a technical SEO audit. You’ll also need to go through Google Search Console data and see how each URL us performing, where Google doesn’t value your content and work on those pages.

You’ll also be able to see any issues or warning from Google itself when it’s crawled your website. You need to do this consistently as part of your ongoing SEO management efforts.

4. Content marketing and blogs

Blogging is a fantastic way to interact with your audience and increase traffic to your website.

You can establish yourself as an authority in your business by producing informative content.

The first step in starting a business blog is to develop a strategy for content marketing. Finding relevant concepts that your target audience is looking for in search engines will require performing keyword study.

After you’ve compiled a list of keywords, you can start coming up with blog post themes and writing content. If you’re stuck on writing content, you may have seen the massive growth in AI content tools such as SurferSEO,, Chat-GTP and more. We wouldn’t recommend just letting these write a complete blog for you, but they should be able to get you started.

By including the target keywords and related keywords, as well as making sure the piece is structured to maximise user interaction, you’ll want to make sure to optimise your blogs for SEO.

5. Social media marketing

Did you know people have increased their daily social media usage by one to two hours since March 2020?

A strong social media presence can help you rapidly expand your customer base.

Knowing your audience will help you design a profile and produce content that will appeal to them and help you stand out from the crowd of companies competing for attention on social media.

In order to prevent people from forgetting about you, it’s critical to remain engaged and frequently interact with your audience through social media accounts. Creating content specifically for social media is a musy.

To maximise exposure, you’ll need to keep up with trends and optimise your material.

6. Mobile web design

Your small business’s growth depends on having a mobile site that performs well.

In fact, almost 60% of all internet searches and more than half of all web traffic now originate from mobile devices.

Additionally, Google has made it abundantly obvious that it values mobile friendliness as a crucial component of website rankings. In 2022, the search engine made the transition to mobile-first indexing, which means that they now base their rankings on the mobile versions of all websites.

Despite this, a lot of companies fail to mobile-optimise their webpages. This has made it possible for companies that offer a mobile-friendly website to increase their search engine rankings while making a positive impact on online customers.

7. Email marketing

Even though email marketing may be one of the more established digital marketing techniques, it is still one of the most affordable strategies with the greatest ROI potential.

You can send highly personalised messages to a relevant group using email marketing.

You must expand your email list if you want to profit fully from email marketing. You’ll need to use your website to encourage visitors to give you their email addresses for this.

In exchange for emails, you can build landing pages where you distribute free content like an ebook or a checklist.

Forms on your blog, either in the sidebar or as an exit-intent popup, are a further efficient method to increase your subscriber count.

8. Facebook ads

It goes without saying that one of the top marketing tips when learning how to expand your company is to run advertisements.

Due to the enormous quantity of data it has on each of its users, Facebook is a fantastic platform for advertising.

As a result, you can create campaigns that are incredibly targeted and produce improved outcomes.

You should begin by experimenting with various ad layouts. Once your campaigns have been running for a while, you should evaluate their effectiveness to determine which advertisements were most successful.

In order to reconnect with both your past clients and those who interacted with your company but didn’t make a purchase, you should set up retargeting ads.

You can hire a paid social agency to handle the job if you have no advertising experience. They’ll be able to choose the most effective approach and produce the ad text and images required to produce results.

9. PPC

PPC (Pay-per-click) advertising is largely run from Google Ads, or Bing. Essentially you can bid on the keywords you want to appear for and are charged every time someone clicks your ad.

This gives you a very quick way to get in front of potential customers, and going back to step 1, if you know who and where they are, you can target them pretty well within Google Ads. There’s no minimum spend either, but your results will depend on how much your cost per clicks are.

You can try bidding on different keywords, deferment areas, and more so you can make sure your budget is working as hard as it can. If this is a new channel for you it may be worth hiring a small business PPC agency to help you do this, or working with a PPC consultant in the first instance. 

Read our blog on does Google Ads still work for small businesses for a more detailed breakdown. 

Related reading: How To Do Digital Marketing For Small Businesses

Traditional marketing vs digital marketing campaign

For the majority, a digital strategy is likely the best choice. Digital marketing is the way to go if you want to target a specific demographic wherever they may be while keeping costs down. We’ve created some adorable digital marketing packages for small businesses to help them do just that.

Additionally, by doing this, you’ll have the chance to instantly gather crucial data on your target market, allowing you to develop marketing campaigns that are even more successful.

Traditional marketing still has its position in the market, though. Traditional marketing techniques may be more effective and stand out more than digital marketing techniques if you’re trying to target an older or local audience.

Ready to Hire an Expert Digital Marketing Agency to Grow Your Business?

At Dandy Marketing, we provide professional digital marketing services aimed at growing your business. Small and medium-sized companies will benefit greatly from our services because they enable you to increase visibility, leads, and sales without having to become an expert in digital marketing techniques.

Grab your free SEO audit today!