
HomeBlog Digital Marketing 9 Impactful Ways To Improve Your Digital Marketing Strategy

9 Impactful Ways To Improve Your Digital Marketing Strategy

Chloe Tomkins - April 16, 2024

Are your digital marketing efforts falling short of expectations? Feeling like your current strategy isn’t cutting through the noise? If you’re running ads or seeking fresh ideas to revitalise your online presence, you’re in the right place.

Your online presence can directly influence your physical store’s foot traffic too. Studies found that out of all consumers who research brands online, 45% will proceed to visit a store’s physical location if it has a strong online presence.

In this article, we’ll explore some impactful ways to improve your digital marketing strategy, ensuring your brand reaches its full potential and resonates with your target audience.

What is a Digital Marketing Strategy and Why Do I Need One?

Before we delve into the nitty-gritty of improving your digital marketing strategy, let’s take a moment to understand what it is and why it’s essential for your business’s success.

Defining a Digital Marketing Strategy

A digital marketing strategy is a comprehensive plan outlining how your business will use digital channels to achieve its marketing objectives. It encompasses a range of tactics and techniques tailored to your target audience, industry, and business goals. 

From social media marketing to search engine optimization, email campaigns to content creation, a well-crafted digital marketing strategy grows your business and ensures a cohesive approach across all channels.

9 Impactful Ways To Improve Your Digital Marketing Strategies

  1. Understand Your Target Audience

Analyse Demographics and Psychographics

Before diving headfirst into digital marketing campaigns, it’s crucial to have a deep understanding of your target audience. 

Who are they? What are their interests, pain points, and preferences? 

By gaining insights into your audience’s demographics and psychographics, you can tailor your digital marketing efforts to resonate more effectively.

Action: Review your target audiences and the channels they are most active on

  1. Craft Compelling Authentic Content

Implementing Storytelling Techniques

In the digital realm, content is king. Whether it’s captivating SEO friendly blog posts, engaging social media updates, or eye-catching videos, compelling content forms the cornerstone of any successful marketing strategy. 

Strive to create content that educates, entertains, or inspires your audience, keeping them coming back for more.

Below you can see how Dandy’s content such as blog posts and optimised landing pages has made their client, Future Lift Services’ organic traffic sky rocket since working together!

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  1. Leverage Social Media Platforms

Maximising Engagement Through Interactive Content

39% of consumers are likely to purchase directly from social media.

Social media platforms offer a treasure trove of opportunities for businesses to connect with their audience on a personal level. From Facebook to Instagram, Twitter to LinkedIn, each platform presents unique advantages for reaching and engaging with potential customers. 

Identify the platforms where your audience spends their time and tailor your creative content for social media accordingly.

What is the most used social media by age?

Below is a breakdown of social media usage by age range:

  1. 18-29 years – Snapchat (41%), TikTok (35%), Instagram (32%)
  2. 30-39 years – LinkedIn (34%), X/Twitter (34%), Snapchat (33%), Instagram (32%)
  3. 40-49 years – LinkedIn (25%), Facebook (22%), X/Twitter (21%)
  4. 50-59 years – Facebook (29%), LinkedIn (24%), Pinterest (24%)
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Source: Statistia

  1. Master Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

Implementing On-Page SEO Techniques

With millions of websites vying for attention on search engines like Google, mastering the art of search engine optimization (SEO) is non-negotiable. By optimising your website and content for relevant keywords and providing valuable information, you can improve your visibility in search engine results pages (SERPs) and drive organic traffic to your site.

Action: Use a keyword tool, such as Ahrefs, to find your focal keywords and keyword clusters relevant to your content!

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  1. Embrace Video Marketing

Create Engaging Video Content

Video has emerged as a dominant force in the digital marketing landscape, offering unparalleled opportunities for storytelling and engagement. 

According to Wyzowl, 91% of businesses use video as a marketing tool.

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Whether it’s product demonstrations, behind-the-scenes footage, or customer testimonials, video content allows you to convey your brand’s message in a dynamic and memorable way.

  1. Harness the Power of Email Marketing

Craf Personalised Email Campaigns

Despite the rise of social media and other digital channels, email marketing remains a highly effective tool for nurturing leads and driving conversions. Build and segment your email list, craft personalised campaigns, and deliver valuable content directly to your subscribers’ inboxes to keep your brand top of mind.

The effectiveness of email marketing campaigns, including subscriber segmentation (78%), message personalization (72%), and email automation campaigns (71%) (HubSpot research), underscores the significance of leveraging first-party data. By utilising data directly collected from your audience, such as preferences, behaviours, and interactions, you gain invaluable insights to implement these strategies effectively. 

First-party data empowers you to segment your subscribers accurately, personalise messages to resonate with their interests, and automate campaigns based on their actions, ultimately driving higher engagement and conversions.

  1. Integrate Multi-channel Marketing Tactics

Coordinate Cross-Platform Messaging

In today’s interconnected world, successful marketing strategies often involve a multi-channel approach. By leveraging a combination of digital channels such as social media, email, search engines, and more, you can amplify your brand’s reach and engage with your audience across various touchpoints.

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However, amidst this multi-channel landscape, ensuring consistency in your brand message is paramount. It’s not just about being present on different platforms; it’s about conveying a cohesive brand identity and message regardless of where your audience encounters your brand. This consistency includes maintaining uniformity in brand values, tone of voice, and visual identity across all channels.

To put this into action, it’s essential to review and ensure that all channels are pushing the same message in alignment with your brand’s defined values and tone of voice. Whether it’s a social media post, an email campaign, or a search engine ad, each communication should reinforce your brand’s identity and resonate with your target audience consistently. This ensures that your audience receives a unified brand experience, regardless of the channel they engage with, ultimately strengthening brand recognition and trust.

  1. Set Clear Business Objectives

Define Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)

No digital marketing strategy is complete without clear and measurable objectives. Whether it’s increasing brand awareness, generating leads, or driving sales, setting specific goals will guide your marketing efforts and allow you to track your progress effectively. Regularly evaluate your performance against these objectives and adjust your small business content strategy accordingly.

To achieve these objectives, it’s crucial to define Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) for each channel. For example, if you’re focusing on social media marketing, your KPIs might include metrics such as engagement rate, click-through rate, and follower growth. For email marketing, KPIs would include open rates, click-through rates, and conversion rates.

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In addition to channel-specific KPIs, it’s essential to establish overarching performance metrics such as Return on Ad Spend (ROAS), Cost Per Acquisition (CPA), and impressions. These metrics provide insight into the overall effectiveness of your digital marketing efforts and help you understand the impact of each channel on your business objectives.

Regularly reviewing performance against these KPIs and metrics allows you to identify areas for improvement and make informed decisions about your digital marketing strategy. By continually evaluating and adjusting your approach, you can ensure that your marketing efforts are aligned with your business objectives and driving tangible results.

  1. Analyse and Optimise Performance

Implement Continuous Improvement Strategies

Continuous improvement is the name of the game in digital marketing. Regularly analyse your campaign performance using tools like Google Analytics, social media insights, and email marketing metrics. Identify what’s working well and where there’s room for improvement, then optimise your strategies accordingly to maximise your ROI.

The Importance of a Strong Digital Marketing Strategy

In today’s digital age, having a strong digital marketing strategy is not just advantageous – it’s imperative for staying competitive and relevant. Here’s why:

  1. Reaching Your Target Audience: With billions of people active online, digital channels offer unparalleled opportunities to connect with your target audience where they spend their time.
  2. Driving Engagement and Conversions: An effective digital marketing strategy allows you to engage with your audience in meaningful ways, nurturing leads and guiding them through the sales funnel towards conversion.
  3. Building Brand Awareness: 43% of business owners say digital marketing is most effective for brand awareness. By consistently showcasing your brand across various digital platforms, you can increase brand visibility and establish your business as a trusted authority in your industry.
  4. Measuring and Optimising Performance: Unlike traditional marketing methods, digital marketing provides valuable insights into campaign performance, allowing you to track metrics, analyse data, and optimise your strategies for better results.
  5. Adapting to Changing Trends: The digital landscape is constantly evolving, with new technologies and trends emerging all the time. A robust digital marketing strategy enables you to adapt to these changes quickly and stay ahead of the curve.

In essence, a digital marketing strategy serves as a roadmap for navigating the complex and ever-changing digital terrain, guiding your business towards growth, success, and long-term sustainability.

Digital Marketing Campaign: A Dandy Case Study

Dandy partnered with Loony Legs in March 2022 to boost its SEO presence and online growth in a competitive market. Our goals were to establish a robust digital footprint for Loony Legs and drive organic growth. 

Dandy implemented a comprehensive SEO strategy focusing on increasing visibility, driving traffic, and enhancing transactions.

Here’s how we did it.

1. Technical Review & Website Restructure:

  • Conducted detailed technical SEO audit.
  • Identified areas for improvement:
    • Enhanced internal linking structure.
    • Revamped website navigation and metadata.
    • Introduced new collections based on keyword research.
    • Expanded website content with optimised pages, service pages, and customer testimonials.
loony legs 2

2. Content Strategy

  • Crafted compelling supporting content on the Loony Legs blog.
  • Customised content strategy focused on yoga, fitness, and style.
  • Emphasised expert insights and practical tips to boost traffic and brand growth.
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3. Link Building

  • Executed a multi-faceted link-building campaign.
  • Prioritised guest posts, product features, and interviews on high-authority websites.
  • Secured valuable, relevant backlinks to enhance SEO efforts and increase brand visibility.
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  • Monthly traffic more than doubled.
  • 110% total traffic increase since collaboration.
  • 27% increase in transactions.
  • Secured 544 1st page rankings.

Dandy’s SEO and digital marketing tactics and strategies led to significant improvements in Loony Legs’ organic performance, showcasing tangible results in traffic, transactions, and search engine rankings.

Read the full case study here!

Looking for an Expert Digital Strategy for your Future Campaigns?

Improving your digital marketing strategy doesn’t have to be daunting. With dedication, creativity, and a strong digital marketing strategy, the sky’s the limit for your small business.

Remember, digital marketing is not a one-size-fits-all endeavour and that’s why small businesses trust Dandy with their Digital Marketing and SEO campaigns.

So, if you’re ready to take your digital marketing efforts to the next level, get in touch with us today. We’re a friendly bunch that’s always happy to chat!

Grab a free SEO audit to get started.

How To Improve Your Digital Marketing Strategy FAQs

How can I determine my target audience for digital marketing?

Conduct market research to identify demographics, psychographics, and behavioural patterns of your ideal customers. Utilise tools like Google Analytics, social media insights, and customer surveys to gather data and gain insights into your audience’s preferences and interests.

How can I measure the success of my digital marketing campaigns?

Success metrics vary depending on your objectives but may include website traffic, engagement metrics (likes, shares, comments), conversion rates, lead generation, sales revenue, return on investment (ROI), and customer lifetime value (CLV). Utilise digital analytics tools to track these metrics and assess the performance of your campaigns.

What should I do if my digital marketing efforts aren’t delivering results?

If your digital marketing efforts aren’t delivering the desired results, reassess your strategy and tactics. Identify areas for improvement based on data insights, experiment with different approaches, and continuously iterate and optimise your campaigns to achieve better outcomes. Additionally, consider seeking expert advice or assistance from digital marketing professionals if needed.