Alphachain were not visible organically when they came to Dandy Marketing. After implementing our SEO, content and CRO strategy, Alphachain now rank for nearly 50 different keywords on page 1 of Google, with significant increases in traffic and leads.



We provide Search Engine Optimisation, Content Marketing and Conversion Optimisation services to Alphachain Academy. Alphachain Academy is a proprietary trading firm in London which has a unique focus on developing new traders across the world, with specialist programmes that are designed to mentor and develop both new and aspiring traders, a state of the art trading infrastructure, guaranteed investment capital and a collaborative trading environment. 


alphachain academy


alphachain academy



When we began work with Alphachain Academy their website was located on a platform that was falling short of requirements. So, we began there. We migrated the site across to WordPress, which enabled us to have greater flexibility and autonomy over critical optimisations.


Once the site was migrated, we undertook a thorough technical SEO audit to then identify key, critical and medium opportunities that would change the success of the site. Off of the back of that knowledge we implemented metadata optimisations, video schema, reran page speed audits, and implemented internal linking. We overhauled the navigation so that the user experience was clearer, and more concise, and we took care of any 404 redirects from broken links to ensure that same user experience remained seamless.


We then evaluated the landing pages – the key tools that Alphachain relies on to convert visitors. None of them were performing as expected, and so we began our tried and tested landing page optimisation process to begin to capture and target specific, industry-popular keywords. We built out the content on existing pages, and we also created and built out new pages that could internally link and support existing landing pages.


Then it was time to get to the good stuff: boosting conversions. We’d already added new and targeted content, so the next stage was to implement attention grabbing and user engaging CTAs (calls to action). To make sure we could evaluate the success of the user journey – and those CTAs – we installed heat map technology. From those insights we then identified weak, or underperforming areas of the site, and meticulously carried out optimisation after optimisation on those areas to make them stronger, and increase the page’s overall success rate. 


As we anticipated: it worked. The conversion rate was increased by 29%, just off of initial technical changes and the addition of content and CTAs.



It’s not just technical audits that we carry out at Dandy – we also carry out comprehensive content audits which are designed to identify, remove and filter weak or underperforming content, as well as suggest new content, or content improvements.


Once completed, our content audit revealed an array of content gaps which Alphachain could exploit to move ahead of competitors, and begin building brand awareness. To fill those gaps, we created in-depth, engaging and informative long form content that both educated an audience, but also captured a variety of targeted and strategic keywords. 


We built a planned, strategic and targeted content calendar that included a focus on the top of funnel questions like How to’s, which resonated with a target audience searching for answers and worked to position Alphachain right in front of their audience as an authority figure.


As we created and built a catalogue of content, we implemented internal linking strategies to help site indexing and we were rewarded in the SERPs. When we started our work with Alphachain Academy they ranked position 4 and 10 for just 2 dominant trading related keywords. Today, they hold 10 position 1 keywords and 46 page 1 rankings.

alphachain academy
lphachain academy



When we outreach, we ensure that we adhere to Google’s best practices by only sharing information that is relevant, researched, unique and authoritative. That’s why we have such success with our link building strategies, and why our clients often remark at the speed at which their domain rating has climbed.


Alphachain Academy were no different. We were able to secure guest posts on high authority, industry-approved websites which had both significant traffic levels, and advanced industry standings. These links not only boosted domain ratings, but also drove rankings for the target keywords we had in mind.


With the knowledge bank of Adam Haeems and Gavin Pannu, Alphachain Academy’s founders, we were also able to attain exclusive features and interviews that not only showcased the experience of Alphachain Academy, but also built brand awareness and drove new leads. 


We made a particular focus on advanced trading journals in order to share expertise around specific trading strategies, and our work paid off with a number of significant high DR features.


Since working with Dandy Marketing, Alphachain Academy has grown to see record Organic traffic, keyword rankings and leads driven.


Great experience with Dandy Marketing, Dan, Andy and the rest of the team are a pleasure to work with, always happy to help and have delivered great results for us especially with our SEO and ad campaigns. Highly recommend!

pingkan melbourne, alphachain academy
Pingkan Melbourne

Digital Marketing Specialist, Alphachain Academy


Of course you do! So let’s work together. Get in touch to receive your free website audit, including recommendations on how to improve the SEO and conversion rate of your website.